Author name: KennyPham

A passionate traveler with a love for fashion and culinary adventures, always seeking new destinations, stylish trends, and unique flavors around the world.

Top 5-Star Beachfront Hotels in California

Top 5-Star Beachfront Hotels in California

Travel Guide

Explore California’s finest beachfront hotels, each offering luxury, historic charm, and breathtaking ocean views. From the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay to Montage Laguna Beach, uncover why these coastal retreats are top-rated destinations for relaxation and adventure.

What Year Did California Become a U.S. State?

What Year Did California Become a U.S. State?

History and Culture

California officially became a U.S. state on September 9, 1850. This marked a significant moment in American history, following the Mexican-American War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, where Mexico ceded California and other territories to the United States.

Which Treaty Ended the Mexican-American War, Ceding California to the U.S.?

Which Treaty Ended the Mexican-American War, Ceding California to the U.S.?

History and Culture

The treaty that ended the Mexican-American War and ceded California to the United States was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848. This treaty marked the conclusion of the war between the U.S. and Mexico, which had been fought from 1846 to 1848 over territorial disputes, particularly in Texas and the lands that are now the southwestern United States.

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